THE STATIC UNIVERSE VERSUS THE EXPANDING UNIVERSE It should pay attention to the difference because it is determinant for the relativity and the Big Bang. There are some versions about what is the static universe. For many is spatially infinite and temporarily infinite also. Albert Einstein proposed a change to be considered temporarily infinite, but spatially finite. He said relying on studies of Poincare and Helmholtz. An expanding universe is one that constantly grows and becomes more and more big, this is, which grows into the future, which implies a continuous motion and a motor so that it drives him and go thus overcoming the present which goes toward the past. The present must be represented as a transition, a fleeting passage that greets the future, then missed in the past. Growth of space becomes easy to understand sensory if we look as it increases the volume of a balloon is inflated. Euclidean geometry built on the ideas of point, line and...