Physicists know that the speed of light remains constant regardless of the speed of the source. They also know that nearly 300000 km per second speed is a proven fact. What is striking is that no one has tried to explain this reality. Because it behaves this way light? The lack of interest in this issue seems to be influenced, in part, because this condition of light has been deduced experimentally multiple times, in part because it is important for the development of the theory of special relativity of Einstein, and finally, because Physics has exhausted its options without success and is powerless to face this enigma. The question, of course, does not attempt to question the speed of light, nor its constancy, what the question wants is a response to that characteristic not shared with the rest of the things in the universe to remain constant without the speed of the source affects you as it affects all other things in the world.
It is not the only issue that draws attention. There are other intricacies that come out of common standards without that physics can answer it, it is quantum physics in which the normal laws of classical physics disappear. Why? It is clarified in this article, but not before remembering that the two uncertainties have been objects of important mathematical developments. The quantum has facilitated the handling of some whole branches of applied knowledge that we now take. But we still do not know the great thing of his nature. It is also good to remember, as timely and relevant background that Heisenberg one of the pioneers of quantum, in an extensive article asks help philosophy thinking of physics could not with these puzzles
Then discuss a response that I offer it from the philosophy of physics.
The classical universe, or what is the same, the space-time is ordered. The two protagonists of the basic arrangement: space and the time. They are merged into space-time mentioned. This merger is a first degree of order consequences affect all things. We find it present if we stop a moment facing a classic problem of philosophy, which summarizes the theme of the existence of things within the universe. By this feature we can distinguish what exists, "that which is in place for a time" different from what does not exist. Over time we see that things are linked together neatly by making use of the causality, forming causal chains that explain the existence of all things and events of the real world and thus establishing the existing continuity. Sometimes the causal chain leaves as the link between the things and events are led by a limited probability. The limitation restricts what is going to happen to a predetermined number of possibilities, always within the framework of space-time. This happens when a precise number of lottery is chosen randomly from among a million of possibilities, for example.
On the other hand, the quantum world is defined as a world of chaos because space and time are scattered, then the particles that constitute it are not in a place for a time; compared with things in the real world the particles do not exist, wandering in their world without continuity which is possible when they are not in a place nor in time, its state is sporadic existence.
is the moment to emphasize the differences between the
randomness of the universe classic and real or of space-time and the
chaos of the quantum world. We must make a key
distinction, of great importance, which has been ignored by scholars of quantum
physics. Is that random or randomness in the classical world occurs when
certain events occur by chance, but understood this event as a possibility
within a world of space and time options. Instead, the quantum random has
no reference to anything. Total chaos, anything can happen in this
disorder without limits. There is a not a reference or framework,
everything is possible, anything can happen.
Returning to the topic of "because light does not obey the order of the classical world conditions", the answer is easy, and said: because it is a quintessential quantum product as Richard Feynman, Nobel Physics Prize, reiterates it and being a product that comes from the quantitative world, where time and space are not merged, comes from a place where there is no speed that is a relationship of space over time. No matter which is the speed of it flashlight, is little or much, the speed of the light that emits not concern of its speed of the flash lighter and continues its own design of 300000 kilometers by second
This difference between random of space-time and the randomness of quantum world, that we are analyzing, affects the nature of the speed that tells us, moreover, that the two speeds cannot be compared. And that is why special relativity is not something that should consider.
The argument that I deployed to explain the nature of the speed of light is applied successfully to explain the peculiarities of quantum physics.
- When we
say particles wander is because we don't know where they are or for how
long, because if you are on a disordered system you may not know nothing
about that.
- You cannot
determine the matter of a particle if it is not in a given space, nor its
related energy state, since they are constantly changing.
- A
characteristic that attracts attention is that which refers to a particle does
not exist until it is observed. This statement, it is explained when we
introduce a sensor in the quantum world. What we are really doing is putting an
ordered system, that of the sensor, into one that is not, we bring order to the
disorder and the disorder disappears. From the chaos as a result of its action,
an order can result. This is how the universe is born, how light is born.
It remains the mystery of knowing how chaos was formed. Physics does not have an answer. Philosophically, yes, is God.
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