It is important to make a review of the events that lead to the theory of the Big Bang.

-In 1905 Einstein proposes the theory of special relativity. According to her the space and time are relative to the observer. Discards the conception of space and time of Isaac Newton.

-In 1915 the same Einstein presented his theory of General Relativity appropriate   to a stationary universe that includes the ideas of special relativity. For each point of space-time, the Einstein field equation describes how the space-time curve by action on the matter and it has the form of an equality between a tensor of curvature at the point and a tensor that describes the distribution of matter around the point local. Einstein proposes 10 field equations. It is important to remember that that date was not known that the universe was expanding, this Einstein does not take into account this fundamental quality of the universe.

 -In 1922 and 1924 Friedman published two articles in the German journal of physics, which contain the first solutions to equations of relativity field. To resolve them using a special metric that is today known as the Friedman-Lemaitre-Robertson - Walker metric. Is called "metric" because it is mathematically a metric tensor specified at each point of space time [i.e. a tensor field]. In this metric is accepted that space-time changes at each point with the passage of time and space can be extended as it does not remain stationary. This calculation is contrary to the theory that proposes the same Einstein. It must be the reason why this Sage takes almost ten years to accept it. The effect is crucial because will consider this way the theory of relativity acquires some expansionary effects that accommodate it to the experienced reality.

- 1927 Lemaitre proposes for the first time that the universe is expanding. It is based on the galaxies move away. In the article, Lemaitre proposed that the big bang originates in an atom which called primeval Atom, but little impact on scientific methods. Between 24 and October 29, 1927 was held, in Brussels, the fifth Solvay Congress, Georges Lemaitre decided to talk with Einstein about his article, but told him that although the calculations were correct, its Physics was "abominable". Smelled of creation

-In 1929 Hubble proposes the same as Lemaitre and is accepted by much of the scientific community. So far, many believe that he was the first to talk about expansion.

-Many of the scholars of these themes think that expansion originated at a point of infinite density and temperature gigantic. A zero point at infinite temperature says Hawking. While some propose an atomic explosion the main keepers of the theory do not discriminate about class. They are limited to sustain expansion as a fact, without venture how or the why its origin was given, nor indicate how he is maintaining the expansion. Which is considered as the most important update of the expansion is thought to this point of infinite temperature cooled to 10000 million degrees only in a second during which its volume was increased in a colossal way and the temperature fell to only 100 0 million degrees hundred seconds later, always under the supervision of the two theories more important at present, relativity and quantum.

The expansion properties

-Space-time in the expansion takes place independent of the observers. Its expansive rhythm is related to intense actor of the phenomenon. Is also deductible, for simple abstraction, who separated observers witness the events differently because they are located in different space-time positions which expand by his own ways, not because the time and space are relativity to them.

-We must find the engine of space-time as a real and constant physical strength, able to initiate and maintain the process. In addition, this is of the greatest importance, impulsive force is or not, it exists by its manifestations and must be related to gravity because it is can not ignore the fact that this force is formed in contact with matter.

-Two items of space-time are different each other, so that man assimilates them differently: space sees it through the vision sense, that explains your competition using properties of optics that our organism has developed. On the other hand, time is a deduction from the brain that psychology studies, and that is subjected to a mental construct that takes more than seven years to bloom. The two merge together forming another physical be, distinct from its contributors, the space-time. Space-time can not be explained by way of  a mathematical operation, this is risky in pretending that they are 4 dimensions of the same class.

-Space-time takes the constituent elements of any site, exactly the same to as a hydrogen atom is built with random collaboration of a proton and an electron by the quantum world. Just do not know where are the space and time before merging. And we do not know a specific cause that explains fusion. If this occurs randomly or is a creation.

-The expansion of space-time facilitates the existence of physical things, since they exist when they are in one place for a while. Space-time is, for this reason, a system of existence of real things, which must conform to the limitations of it. A system that houses all the real things for coherence applies to itself. No one escapes that the expansion system of existence, to be sufficient should contain physically the States of the time, this implies that the phenomenon that causes must be true and really allow the transit of the three States of the time by.

-Our human capacities are in accordance with the expansion: perception, imagination, thought and reflection is appropriate to appreciate indirectly this becoming space-time when we observe transient events, when we observe in our mind instantly is going, when we imagine something, when we think and when we reflect. Using this last function of the mind can bring to our present events of the past, remembering them, view in mind that they tend to fade so we must make special efforts to counter his tendency to disappear, which happens not only because of the transience of life, by the limitations of neurological function, but also by the properties of the existence of things.
Conclusion the physical universe needs a physical origin, a known phenomenon that meets the requirements of the expansion that we have pointed out as part of a real event. It doesn't look for explanations that do not take into account the expansion properties because this is to ignore the problem without analyzing the whole universe and without respecting the capacity of reflection that distinguishes us as human beings.

The Big Bang does not comply with the properties of the expansion. That's an absurd thought to be the origin of the universe.

Is there any phenomenon that is able to explain the expansion and the States of the time? If there is one. What I describe in another article, as the origin of the universe temporal space.
